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Unfortunately nothing is free these days. I know money is tight, heck I am at uni, working and fighting for my community! But we need your input to help get our messages off the ground. For every $10 donated I will plant a eucalypt along Spring Gully and Sheepwash Creeks to help grow our community. Any donations over $2 are tax deductable. Whoop whoop!

All donated funds go directly to the election campaign. We decided to go through paypal for their proven record of secure funds transfer.


To donate via bank transfer use the following account details and send an email by clicking on
(This bank account "D E Abikhair" has been seperately set up exclusively for this election campaign).

Account name: D E Abikhair
BSB: 633-000
Account Number: 150191955
Reference: Your name.

One gum tree!


It only takes one seed to get an idea growing.



Two trees tall!
Our community-based message will grow a little quicker
Five trees fighting


No longer standing alone, five trees/ideas to stand tall in the future for our community.




Ten trees, you are a happy king parrot in a native forest


Thanks! This will go a long way to covering our printing costs, how to vote cards, DIY banners and train travel to get out across this large electorate! You are quite the climate champion!


Every bit counts


Even $2 will help us.


Reckon we could be doing better at a political level on climate change?

Me too! Let's put in together!

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